Arke offers a feature on the Arke dashboard that allows you to either:
- Set a different daily visit limit for different groups of hosts
- Set a different simultaneous visit limit for different groups of hosts
Use the following steps to set a visit limit for different departments of your estate:
Open the settings for your estate on the Arke dashboard and tap 'Access'
If it isn't already ticked, please tick the 'Daily limit' box
Set the visit limit mode to 'Daily' or to 'Simultaneously'
Set a default limit value by entering a number in the 'Default visit limit' field
Below, you will see the departments that are synchronised from Net2
Please note that these departments are selected via the 'Hosts settings' page on the Dashboard.
Back on the 'Access Settings' page, click the blue pencil icon next to the department you want to customise and select 'Custom'
Enter the number you want the daily visit limit to be set to for that department.
Any residents in that department will now have the new visit limit.
When you're done, click the orange 'Save' button on the bottom of the 'Access Settings' page: