On the Arke dashboard, you have the option to add additional information to resident's or visitor's profiles.
You can also use this option to add certain criteria that guests that visit your estate have to meet. This can be a COVID screening they have to go through before they're allowed to receive their access code and enter your estate.
Additional fields
You can find the 'Additional fields' section in the menu on the left site of your Arke dashboard.
To add new additional fields, click the button on the top right that says 'Add new additional fields'
There you can enter a 'Name' (ie, COVID Question 1) in the first field and the question (ie, Have you come into contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the last 21 days?) in the description field.
When you're done, click the orange 'add' button to add this field. You can add multiple questions in this way.
Below the 'Additional fields' section in the menu on the left site of your Arke dashboard, you'll find the 'Screening' section.
From here you can select additional fields that you've set up, to add to every visit that's created through Arke.
First make sure that you've ticket the box that says 'Screen visitors before handing out their access code'.
Then choose how long in advance the screening questions will be available to the visitor before the visit starts.
Under 'questions' you can pick the questions you want to be answered, pick the order for the questions and set a desired answer (yes/no).
When you're done, click the orange 'add' button to add this screening questionnaire.
Any visitors that do not complete screening successfully will not be given a PIN.