Site logo
To add your site's logo to the screening form that visitors to your estate receive, go to the 'Settings' on the Arke Dashboard and click 'General'.
Click the 'Choose file' button in the 'Site Logo' section to open your folders and pick your logo.
Please note that this will need to be a 500x250 PNG file for it to be able to upload.
When done, click the orange 'Save' button on the bottom of the page to save the image.
The next time a visitors receives a screening form for your estate, your site's logo will show on the pages.
Representative logo
On the same page, Arke also provides the option to show your security partner's logo in the Arke app.
Click the 'Choose file' button in the 'Representative Logo' section to open your folders and pick your logo.
Please note that this will need to be a 500x250 PNG file for it to be able to upload properly.
When done, click the orange 'Save' button on the bottom of the page to save the image.